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      • National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE)
National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE)

Call for Hiring of HEC-Approved Resource Persons / ​Experts /Trainers​


In June 2019, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan announced the launch of the National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE).

NAHE is established as a stand-alone, autonomous institution operating under the auspices of HEC to improve the quality of teaching, research and governance in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Pakistan. It is envisioned as the premier institution for quality research and teaching related to all aspects of higher education in Pakistan. To this end, it aims to:
Provide a learning environment in which faculty, staff and participants can collaboratively develop, critically examine, preserve and share knowledge and values that constitute the discipline of education in its broadest sense.
Attract and serve individuals from diverse social, economic and ethnic backgrounds, with particular responsiveness to groups that have been underserved by higher education.
Prepare competent and caring educators and educational administrators who can balance content knowledge and practice with an understanding of the students and communities they serve, and develop professionally to become ethical and effective decision-makers and leaders.
Create members of a global community of teachers/scholars who conduct research and serve as educators, administrators, policy makers, and leaders in higher education.
In order to fulfil this mission, the Academy will provide multifaceted courses, workshops, certifications and degrees for HE faculty and staff at different stages of their careers. Whether general, need-based or customised, these offerings will address teaching practice, research methodology, administrative and leadership skills, educational management, as well as socio-culturally-/linguistically-specific topics and conventional professional development domains within the ambit of HE.
Conducting and promoting research on higher education will be an integral aspect of all NAHE's activities so that it can function as a dynamic and reflexive institution. This, in turn, will allow it to address the need to set benchmarks for quality across different spheres of academics and HEIs through evidence-based interventions and programmes.
NAHE will support the establishment of centres or programmes focusing on capacity building of faculty and management of HEIs by building strategic and sustainable partnerships with international HEIs. These connections will also strengthen educational technology capabilities, develop strong alumni networks and facilitate the formation and support of communities of practice for ongoing engagement and improvement.
​​​​Important Announcement for NAHE and LID Alumni

Dear alumni of NAHE/LID:

The National Academy of Higher Education was [re]established in June 2019 and is developing a database of all NAHE/Learning Innovation Division alumni for the purpose of building networks an​​​d institutional memory. We invite you to share your information by filling this form to maintain an updated database and gain valuable insights, recommendations, and reflections, which will help us improve the quality and effectiveness of our upcoming programs and activities.​
