Quantify Objectives of the Project
- At present about 25,000 faculty members are serving in Higher Learning Degree awarding institutions are without terminal degree. Project will provide opportunities to 2000 existing faculty members inducted in the universities / DAIs but do not have the terminal degree.
- Scholarship will be awarded in particular fields / discipline to be identified as per university and curricula requirements.
- Proposed project will target about 2000 existing faculty, having age upto 45 Years to improve their skill through proposed scholarships program and contribute in academic & R&D activities with full potential.
- There will be direct impact of the proposed scheme as the 2000 Non-PhD existing faculty members will get a chance to get their terminal degree which will increase the percentage of PhD VS Non-PhD.
- The Split PhD scholarships will only be offered to those Pakistani University/DAIs if they have linkages /active Split PhD programs with world renowned /recognized universities abroad.
- 04 members Project Director / Supporting staff will be hired at HEC, Islamabad to implement the project under the supervision of the HRD Division and National Scholarship Management Committee (NSMC).