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Grant of No Objection Certificate (NOC) to Foreign Students

​​​​​​​​Higher Education Commission grants No Objection Certificate (NOC) to foreign national students for educational purpose in order to complete formal requirements of admission and visa processing under the intimation to the Ministry of Interior.

As per the existing policy, foreign students approach the desired Universities/DAIs directly to secure admission, after confirmation of the admission the Universities/DAIs refer the case to HEC for issuance of NOC for student visa process.

Following documents are required by Higher Education Commission to process NOC cases. The NOC application must be submitted by the International Student Office along with duly verified documents:

The request for issuance of NOC must be initiated by International Student Office of the respective university only. HEC will not entertain any NOC application submitted by the foreign students personally.

The complete NOC application in softcopy should be emailed to HEC on the following email address:

Furthermore, HEC requires five (05) working days for processing of NOC application from the date of receipt of complete application. The university may request for application status update officially and discourage the foreign students from visiting HEC office for personal enquiries in order to avoid any inconvenience.


​Mr. Hidayat Ullah Khan
Director (Academics)
​Higher Education Commission
​H-8, Islamabad ​

Saher Mirza
Assistant Director (Academics)
