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  • No dual national is allowed, only students from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are eligible to apply.
  • The applicant must have completed undergraduate degree which have equivalency of 16 years viz. 04 year's bachelor degree program graduated from State recognized university after 12 year's school education equated by IBCC (Please see Pakistan Qualification Framework for Master's degree program and equivalence standards of HEC and IBCC).
  • Those who have qualification as of para 2, they will be eligible to enroll in Master's degree program (MS/M.Phil).
  • For doctoral research (PhD), applicant should have completed MS/M.Phil. (Postgraduate degree).
  • The major disciplines or subjects applied for Master's and PhD degree at Pakistani universities should be in the relevant major disciplines already studied by the applicant during their last degree program.
  • ​All the degree programs in Pakistani universities will be in English language, therefore HEC may arrange zero semester in English Language at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad or in Parent University. The host universities will design and develop zero semester for making up deficiency for English language.  The zero semester must be completed before commencement of full degree programme in Pakistani universities especially in fall session (August-September) or in spring session (February). If required, the students may commence their zero semester in English language. However, those students who have already passed IELTS, TOEFL or institutional English Proficiency Test (EPT) will not require to appear for zero semester in English language. If required, HEC may also arrange EPT test for candidates, as well. 
