Doctoral education aims to cultivate the research skills and knowledge necessary to undertake independent inquiries. Supervisors play an important role in this process, mentoring students about research trends, conduct, and guiding their academic careers in general.
The approved PhD Supervisor Program was initially started by the University Grant Commission. Eventually, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) became principal agency responsible for evaluating and approving faculty and researchers as PhD supervisor. However, PCST's emphasis was only on the discipline of Science and Technology. In February 2004, the whole program was taken up by the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
The specific objective of this program was to identify and register well-qualified, experienced and active researchers/scholars amongst faculty members of HEC recognized Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions (DAIs) and R&D Organizations. The rationale behind this activity was selection of PhD supervisors for doctoral students funded under various HEC PhD Scholarship Programs.
The HEC Approved Supervisors program aims to assist PhD students in this regard by pairing them with qualified and experienced faculty members of HEC recognized universities, degree awarding institutions, and R&D organizations. PhD students funded under HEC in-country scholarship programs will work with HEC-approved supervisors for three years.
HEC has revamped the entire process to become a 'HEC Approved Supervisor' in December 2016 from manual to online system. All PhD supervisors either already approved ( If not filled yet) or new applicants are required to register and fill profile again on HEC E-portal.
- The PhD faculty whose profiles were updated and approved till November 2016 ( list available on right navigation) have already been linked in the online system. They are required to create the profile again on E-Portal only to become part of Online database. PhD degree HEC attested/ Equivalence certificate must be uploaded ( HEC and Non HEC Scholars both). There applications available at E Portal will be re-evaluated and will be approved if still meeting the criteria . Until final approval they can see there status as 'Re-Evaluation under Scrutiny'.
- HEC will issue award letter to those PhD faculty who have applied and attained the title 'HEC Approved Supervisor' and meeting all terms and conditions of the program. After expiry of three years, the already approved supervisors will be required to update their credential at HEC E-portal to for continuation of the title. HEC will evaluate the case and approved if still meeting the criteria.
- The Supervisors who were approved via manual system by completing all formalities including issuance of Approval letter and their approval is within three years of award but not applied at HEC Portal yet, they will be required to just register online and create profile again at HEC E portal. They do not required to send the hard copy through proper channel . There application will be directly be included in Approved Supervisor database.
- From January 2017 to onward, all applicants either already approved/Approved but deficient documents/new applicants are required to apply via HEC E- portal Only. Manual selection/application will not be considered in any case.
- The Supervisor who received just approval email via manual system and could not submit PhD degree (HEC Attested or Equivalence certificate) either HEC or Non-HEC scholars both will be required to apply at E-Portal again by following all procedural formalities. The list of HEC Approved Supervisor available (Approved Supervisors Manual System)
All Applicants either existing approved supervisors or new applicants are required to upload their PhD degree & HEC Attested PhD degree with ticket number/HEC Equivalence Certificate at HEC E-Portal for further process in any case.
- All new /existing PhD supervisors are required to forward the application for 'HEC Approved Supervisor' via HEC e-portal only followed by postal copy through proper channel within 30 days of finally online submission of application. In case of failure, the application will be rejected.
- The new applicants are required to submit Printed Application Form along with HEC Attested PhD Degree/PhD Degree& Equivalence through proper channel via courier service. PMU will not inform about the deficient documents. The complaint of applicants would not be entertained about non responsiveness on the part of HEC.
- The Login and password issued previously are not accepted. It is required to create a new User ID and password. User manual is available on navigation corner for stepwise guidance please. In case of any issue, kindly send screenshot at our email please.
- Please always mention your application ID allotted by HEC Portal in case of any issue via email.
- The education tab at e-portal is linked with (Pakistan Qualification Register (PQR). The respective academic degrees needs to be register by relevant university under HEC PQR program so that applicant can enter the data. In cases of not having data in education tab at e portal, it is therefore requested to please coordinate with your university Focal Person/ Registrar to register your degree program in Pakistan Qualification Register (PQR) in HEC. So that program may be included in the online portal.
- Application has been designed based on eligibility criteria defined /approved to become HEC Approved Supervisor, therefore, if any applicant is not eligible, the application process would not allow to proceed further. Therefore, it is required to read eligibility criteria carefully and fill the form accordingly.
- It is to intimate that during transition period from manual to online E-Portal system, a few numbers of PhD faculty approved via manual system in 123 batches may found them self missing in manual list available at our website due to technical reason. For those PhD supervisors, it is requested to please apply again at E-Portal as a
'New Applicant'. HEC feels honours for cooperation of those PhD supervisors in this regard.
- All Applicants (HEC/Non HEC Scholars) will be required to submit the Copy of HEC Attested PhD degree/ HEC PhD Equivalence Certificate along with application form.
- It is expected that entire applicants will provide the online information true without any manipulation, in case of any misrepresentation found, HEC reserve the right to take stern action in this regard.