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Human Resource Management


HRM Division envisions providing quality HR services to attract/hire, develop, and build a motivated and performing human capital for accomplishing the mission of the Commission.


    The greatest asset of an organization is its Human Resources and, Human Resource Development - a dynamic and empowering process- is designed to improve cognitive, professional, physical and emotional facets of the employees aiming at achieving performance excellence required in all roles and functions of an organization. Accordingly, the Human Resource Management Division of HEC endeavors to develop human resources that are talented, motivated , committed; and willing to assume responsibility, inspire change, lead and serve for HEC from  good to the greatest.

    In general, the Human Resource Management Division of Higher Education Commission is committed to provide a pleasant, conducive and thriving work environment to all employees of the organization. HRM Division believes that every employee is required to be valued, facilitated and developed to perform entrusted responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner for accomplishment of satisfactory organizational performance. 

    Core Functions:

    HRM Divisions' core services and competencies include recruitment and staffing, organizational and employee development, compensation, benefits and welfare, HR information management, succession planning and regulatory compliance. The core functions of HRM Division are:-

            i.             HR matters of the HEC's Regular, Project / Contract employees.
          ii.             Human Resource Planning for various Divisions/Sections according to HEC budget and as per approved projects as well as through Job Rotations / internal transfers
        iii.             Direct appointment and promotions by HEC Selection Board/ Selection Meeting/ DPC
        iv.             Medical coverage to HEC entitled employees and their family members as well as to retired employees.
          v.             Capacity Building of HEC employees through local as well as foreign training/ education. 
        vi.             House requisitioning facilities to HEC employees.
       vii.             Maintains active collaboration and coordination with all the other Divisions/ Sections of HEC as well as external Stakeholders like Establishment Division, Finance Division Government of Pakistan.
    viii.             HR information/reporting (SAP)
         ix.             Maintains the PERs/ ACRs and Service Statements / Service Books of the officers / officials and to process the cases of employees for Pension and Benefits, G.P. Fund, Group Life Insurance, Benevolent Fund
           x.             Supervision of R&I Section​
