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Requirement for documents in sealed Envelops
  • ​HEC provides facility of sealing of only HEC's attested documents in an envelope on request of applicants.
  • After receipt of attested document​s, applicants are required to visit R&I Section of HEC for placing HEC attested photocopies in envelope and sealing. Only HEC attested documents will be placed in the envelope before seal All those applicants, who apply for attestation through courier service and require documents in a sealed envelope, are required to inform the relevant courier company accordingly as well as mention the same on front page of application form.
  • All applicants who require attested documents in a sealed envelope (for WES/ICAS etc.) are advised to keep photocopies of HEC attested documents for their record and future reference before placing in envelope for seal. All those applicants who apply for attestation through courier service and require documents in sealed envelope (for WES/ICAS etc.) are also advised to inform the courier service company for arranging photocopies of HEC attested documents for applicant's record before placing in an envelope for seal.​