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Institutional Strengthening Grant for Upgrading Laboratories and Libraries

​​​Last date of application Submission has been extended upto October 16, 2017

The Institutional Strengthening is aimed to strengthen and up-grade the existing Laboratories and Libraries of recognized public sector Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions and recognized campuses. The science and technology is one of the most important aspect of a viable higher education infrastructure. Majority of the Institutions in Pakistan lack institutional and human resource capacities to involve in meaningful research and development and there is an urgent need to strengthen and upgrade scientific institution in Pakistan.


The objective of this program is to support higher education institutions by giving grants of maximum 3.00 Million to upgrade their existing laboratories and libraries in order to conduct research work in different fields. The grant will be used for the purchase of small to medium sized scientific equipment, library material on the basis of strong justification and cost-benefit analysis. Institutions with good track record, clearly defined objectives and adequate human resources can benefit from this scheme.