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Program Level Accreditation

​​The Quality Assurance Agency, HEC, assures the quality of academic programs by categorizing them as Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate levels. Under-graduate programs are dealt by establishing accreditation councils of various fields. However, at present, the quality of post graduate level programs is reviewed by HEC itself.

Accreditation of Under Graduate programs by establishing accreditation councils:

Objective of this section is to assure that all the undergrad level programs of HEIs are accredited by its respective accreditation council. For the purpose, the section administers the activities w.r.t. establishing: new accreditation councils and coordinate with the existing councils, assess their performance and build their capacity.

Review of Post Graduate Level Programs [MS/MPhil & PhD]:

Here, two sections, separate for PhD and MS/MPhil level programs, work to assure compliance of HEC's minimum criteria for these programs and enhance their quality to make them internationally compatible. For the purpose, the sections plan and administer activities w.r.t. conducting periodic review visits (after 3 years) of all DAIs that are offering postgrad level programs, as per the defined review process. ​