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Quality Assurance Agency
​​​​​​​​With the vision "To promote, enhance and assure the quality of higher education across HEIs in Pakistan" Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) was established in 2005 by the Government of Pakistan through Higher Education Commission (HEC).
QAA is a policy making and monitoring organization for enhancement and assurance of quality in Higher Education Institutions. It is involved in systematic implementation of quality enhancement procedures/criteria to attain improved levels of international compatibility and competitiveness at institutional and program level.
HEC is providing funding and logistical support for making QAA fully functional. QAA manages the affairs in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Division of HEC whereas the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), comprising of eminent educationists, serves as its Advisory board. QAA is working to safeguard public interest by enforcing good practices in education and encouraging continuous improvement in quality in higher education.​
Our Goals:
  • ​​​Policy making and development of practical guidelines of quality assurance related to the higher degree programs.
  • Developing guidelines for establishment of Quality Enhancement Cells and their Monitoring & Evaluation.
  • Capacity building to enhance the standard of quality assurance in higher education at national level.
  • To monitor and regulate HEIs for implementation of policies to improve quality and standard of higher education in Pakistan.​

​​ Our Functions:
  • ​Developing practical guidelines and policies for establishing Quality Enhancement Cells at pu​blic sector universities for integration of quality assurance in the higher education system.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Capacity Building of all Quality Enhancement Cells.
  • Capacity building of selected professional staff of Quality Enhancement Cells to serve as Master Trainers after receiving training in quality assurance, to increase the levels of international compatibility through skill enhancement in the respective field.
  • Hiring the services of local as well as foreign experts, having practical exposure of academic quality assurance for conducting trainings/workshops/seminars for the capacity building of QAA & QEC staff.