Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has approved the "National Qualifications Framework of Pakistan", in its 31st meeting held on January 11, 2016 for posting on the HEC website for any comments from the stakeholders till June 30, 2016.
The Pakistan Qualification Framework is considered as mechanism for classification of the qualifications on the basis of the learning outcomes i.e. skill, competence, knowledge. It is levels based and outcomes focused. Pakistan Qualification Framework (PQF) encompasses a comprehensive list of all quality assured qualifications in Pakistan. The Pakistan Qualification Framework provides all the information regarding the accredited higher qualifications and institutions recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Objectives of the PQF
Helps to make available the Quality Assured and accredited/recognized qualifications to all the stakeholders.
Helps in establishing the national standards of qualifications
Provide a base for the comparison of qualifications at national as well as international level
Helps in international recognition of qualifications
Facilitates the trans-national mobility of graduates and learners
Used as an instrument for reforms in education system
Helps to promote the linkages between industry and education system
PQF Levels
Pakistan Qualification Framework has eight levels. Levels are based on the Generic nomenclature used for the qualification in the country. The table below shows the different qualification types which are classified and are used as quality assured qualification in the country.