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Eligibility Criteria
  1. For Split PhD fellowship (6 months in France):
    Any Pakistani /AJK National PhD student:
    1. Complied with the following HEC quality criteria for PhD degree:
      1. Completed coursework of 18 credit hours, (students enrolled in PhD before May 2005  are exempted from this condition),
      2. Passed the international GRE subject test/NTS GAT subject test or university subject examination is required to be passed.
        1. Has an approved PhD research topic and synopsis by the Board of Advanced Studies and Research (BASR) or Directorate of Advanced Studies and Research (DASR) or equivalent body of the university.
        2. Has an official acceptance/invitation letter for research from a French university/ institute/laboratory.
      3. For Post-Doctoral Fellowship (09 months in France):​​​
        Any Pakistani /AJK National:
        1. Holding a PhD degree from HEC recognized university.
        2. Maximum 50 years of age on closing date
        3. Be a regular employee of:
          1. HEC recognized Public/ Private Sector University or Degree Awarding Institute.
          2. Public sector R&D organization.
        4. Has a clearly written research proposal, relevant to his current job/institution recommended/ endorsed by  the employer.
        5. Has an official acceptance/invitation letter for research from a French university/institute/laboratory.
        6. Must not have availed Post Doctoral Fellowship in the last five (5) years.
      If PhD from any of HEC funded scholarship program:
      1. Category I : Scholars who have completed their PhD in Pakistan through indigenous scholarship offered by HEC / Government of Pakistan and are willing to apply or selected for Post Doctorate Fellowship Program are required to submit the following documents / deed of agreement:
        Experience. At least two years full time relevant experience (including pre/post PhD) as a regular faculty member in a Public / Private Sector University / DAI or a regular employee of R&D organization. NOC. NOC from the parent department / university by the authorized officer, to the effect that applicant if successful will be given one year leave.
      2. Category II: Scholars who have completed their PhD from abroad through scholarship offered by HEC / Government of Pakistan and are willing to apply or selected for Post Doctorate Fellowship Program are required to submit the following documents / deed of agreement:
        Experience. At least three years full time Post PhD relevant experience at an appropriate rank as a regular faculty member in a Public / Private Sector University / DAI or a regular employee of R&D organization. NOC. NOC from the parent department / university by the authorized officer, to the effect that applicant if successful will be given one year leave.  Deed of Agreement. Scholar would be required to complete the remaining duration of initial bond of overseas scholarship after returning from Post Doctorate Fellowship. This duration would be determined form the date of joining the parent department. In addition, he would also be required to serve for another two years in its parent department after completion of Post Doctorate Fellowship. The total period of bond to serve in Pakistan will not exceed six to seven years. (2 years for Post Doc and 5 years for PhD).
      The applications of all those applicants, who fulfil the basic eligibility criteria, would be jointly selected by HEC and French Embassy Representative on following parameters:
      1. Scientific Level of the applicants: excellent study and research achievements.
      2. Scientific Level of the French host laboratory: recognized public or private research organization situated in France.
      3. Scientific quality of the research proposal: innovative approach and originality of the project, feasibility (access to resources etc.) of the project and the impact of its potential results.