Faculty Development Programme for Pakistani Universities
75 Celebration of Independence Day of Pakistan Scholarship Program
Advanced Skills Development Through International Scholarships
Allama Muhammad Iqbal Scholarships for Afghan Students (Phase-III)
Approved PhD Supervisors
BISP Scholarships for Undergraduates
Coastal Region Higher Education Scholarship Program for Balochistan
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) Overseas Scholarships
Guideline for Country Wise Overseas Scholarships
HEC Need Based Scholarships
Higher Education Opportunities for the students of Balochistan & FATA
Indigenous Ph.D. Fellowship Program Phase-II
Law Graduates Scholarship Program for Balochistan for Study Abroad
Overseas Scholarships for MS/MPhil leading to PhD
Overseas Scholarships for PhD in Selected Phase-III
Pak-Sri Lanka Higher Education Cooperation Program
Pak-UK Education Gateway
Post Doctoral Fellowship Program Phase-III
Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme for Less Developed Areas (Selected Regions)
Provision of Higher Education Opportunities for the Students of Balochistan & Erstwhile FATA (Phase-III)
Commonwealth Scholarships
Scholarship for Hungarian Nationals
Scholarship for OIC Least Developed Countries under the Project Academic & Research Linkages under Bilateral Agreement
Short term Trainings (03-06 Months) of 1,000 Agricultural Graduates Under China G2G Cooperation
Split Phd and Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme in France
Undergraduate Scholarship Program for the students of Gilgit-Baltistan
Undergraduate Scholarships for students from Gwadar
USAID-funded Merit and Needs-Based Scholarship Program
US-Pakistan Knowledge Corridor PhD Scholarship Program