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Institutional Performance Evaluation
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​The Higher Education Commission is systematically implementing the five-year (2002 -2007) agenda for reforms outlined in the HEC Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF). The key components identified in the MTDF are Access, Quality and Relevance.
To address these challenges, a comprehensive strategy was outlined that identified the core strategic aims for reform as i) Faculty Development, ii) Improving Access, iii) Excellence in Learning and Research, and iv) Relevance to National Priorities.
In order to improve the performance of HEIs, HEC has started with primary step of outlining the Performance Evaluation Standards for the HEIs to be used for the purpose.
A total of eleven standards are defined in this document and all the eleven standards are equally important to be met by the HEIs to achieve the desired certification to quality provision in higher education, international visibility and significant place in the regional and international rankings of the HEIs. IPE Manual for Universities can be found here.​
Various performance evaluation standards outlining major areas to be focused on by the HEIs for evaluation of their effectiveness and future development are given below:
Standard 1:    ​ Mission Statement and Goals
Standard 2:    Planning and Evaluation
Standard 3:    Organization and Governance
Standard 4:    Integrity
Standard 5:    Faculty
Standard 6:    Students
Standard 7:    Institutional Resources
Standard 8:    Academic Programmes and Curricula
Standard 9:    Public Disclosure and Transparency
Standard 10:    Assessment & Quality Assurance
Standard 11:    Student Support Service​