The maximum Fellowship amount per scholar for total duration of Scholarship (Including Living Allowance, Health Insurance, Research/Lab Cost and Air Ticket).
| Living Allowance*
| USD 1,600 per month
| Health Insurance**
| USD 2,000 Once
| Research Lab/Experimentation Cost***
| USD 6,000 Once
| Air Ticket (Return)****
| PKR 250,000 Once
* The stipend to the scholars will be paid according to the host country. The list for stipend rate for various countries is given at
**Health Insurance will be paid upon providing documentary evidence/receipt of payment.
***Average Research/Lab Experimentation Cost has been estimated @ US$6000. However, this will be paid as per need on the basis of research/lab work experimentation/procurement of data/survey etc. mentioned in the research proposal submitted at the time of application. This has been estimated for 60% of the fellowships.
****Actual economy class air ticket will be paid. National airline will be preferred on the routes where they operate.