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Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust, UK

​HEC and Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust, UK PHD Scholarships

HEC has signed Memorandum of Understanding (DoU) with The Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust, UK on September 2, 2019 for the award of PhD scholarships to Pakistani students wishing to enroll at Cambridge University.
Financial Details:
The Cambridge Trust has offered 10 tuition free PhD Scholarships per year. The cost of each scholarship will be divided between HEC and the Cambridge Trust as follows. The sum of the UCF and maintenance will be paid 50% by Cambridge Trust and 50% by HEC. HEC will pay 100% of the cost of the return airfare and other costs.
Subject Criteria:
The scholarships will be offered in all areas of knowledge that are being offered at Cambridge Trust. However, the HEC will prioritize subject area every year according to their requirement.
How to Apply:
HEC PhD Scholarships in partnership with Cambridge Trust are being offered under various HEC Overseas Scholarships Schemes. Interested candidates are required to regularly visit HEC web site for the details of advertised overseas scholarships and apply for scholarship subject to meeting the advertised criteria. Interested candidates would be required to secure PhD admission from Cambridge Trust by meeting the university standards and requirements.
Useful Links for HEC Overseas Scholarships:​