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Higher Education Commission (HEC) was established in 2002 for improvement and promotion of higher education sector in Pakistan. The mission of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) is "to facilitate institutions of higher education to serve as engine of growth for the socio-economic development of Pakistan". Since the inception of HEC, first priority was to improve the quality of teaching and research in institution through highly qualified faculty.
In order to meet the need of National Human Resource demand as per Pakistan vision of 2025. HEC had arranged a National Human Resource Development Conference on October 13, 2015 at Higher Education Commission. Around 150 academics, scholars, researchers, businessmen and professionals from across Pakistan participated. Total 11 Focus Groups representing academia, industry and R&D were formed in the following areas: Social Sciences, New Higher Education Trends, Physical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Business Education, Development Studies, Economics, Biological Sciences, Arts & Humanities and Agricultural Studies to identify the specific fields and areas of research which are strategically important for the development of Pakistan in coming 10 years keeping in view the China Pakistan Economic Corridor as well.
HEC has been investing major budget in the human resource development to develop PhD faculty for Universities since its inception but due to increase in the DAIs and student population in the higher education sector, overall percentage of PhD VS Non-PhD faculty remains the same. Nevertheless, accessibility, quality, publications, R&D activities and ranking of the universities increased at national and international level. To improve the percentage of PhD VS Non-PhD faculty, continuous development funding / new schemes are required
Following outcomes are expected through this program
  • 1800 PhD Scholars will be trained in the strategically important fields of knowledge which are identified by the Focus Groups of academia, industry and R&D personnel in the following way:
  • These talented students will complete PhD from top notch universities of the world, who will serve Pakistan for the improvement of quality of teaching and research in institutions.
  • Linkages at institutional, academia and people to people level will be established and further strengthened.
  • Scholarships for PhD will be awarded in two categories i) Attached and ii) Un-attached slots on the basis of information submitted by the applicants at the time of submission of applications.
  • To create a critical mass of highly qualified Technologists, and Scientists Manpower in high-tech fields
  • To build up the capacity of Universities, Research & Development Organizations and Industries in Pakistan through addition of PhD's in priority fields.
  • Considerable intellectual activity is expected to be generated through this scheme as groups of scientists, technologists and social scientist would be engaged in publishing their research work. It is expected that good number of papers/studies could be produced annually. The scheme would provide our system an impetus for an out-put and productivity. Major organizations & universities would be increasing their R&D by absorbing specialized trained manpower. A number of new R&D Projects having economic returns can thus be launched.
  • The current scheme would supplement HEC efforts for provision of adequate number of trained PhD manpower, to support technology upgrading, develop high standards of Science  & Technology,  Humanities and Business education/training in Pakistan and to meet the challenging needs of Pakistan's economy.