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Application Procedure

​Online Application:

Apply online at HEC website: . After registering and filling your profile, please select "Learning Opportunities Abroad". After submission of the application, get its printed copy to be signed by applicant. 

HEC online application portal shall close on 31st August 2023 (04.00 PM).

In case of shortlisting:

Following documents with online application form shall only be required/demanded from shortlisted applicants (no need to send hardcopy at this stage)

o  Copy of HEC application form submitted through Online application portal (duly signed)

o  SSC Certificate/DMC/Degree with IBCC attestation OR O-Level Certificate (Science Group) with IBCC equivalence.

o  F.Sc. Certificate/DMC/Degree with IBCC attestation OR A-Level Certificate (Pre-Medical) with IBCC equivalence

o  Birth Certificate issued by NADRA.

o  Father or Guardian's CNIC copy.

o  No Criminal record certificate. (Original)

o  Photocopy of valid passport (validity more than 06 months)

o  Original Medical Certificate with report of HIV/AIDS issued by Medical Superintendent of District Head Quarter Government Hospital and further attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).​

Note: Above-mentioned documents are only required from shortlisted applicants, no need to send a hardcopy to HEC until intimated. (Please keep these documents ready)​


Incomplete applications without above mentioned documents will be rejected, without assigning any reason and any further communication by HEC. After successful completion of undergraduate degree program in Medicine from Cuba, the candidate will be required to appear in NEB Examination and must fulfill all the laid down requirements of foreign graduates for registration with PMC, Islamabad. Further, it is the sole responsibility of student(s) applying for any professional degree (viz. Medical) to first get its accreditation status confirmation from the respective Council i.e.,Pakistan Medical and Dental Council​ (PMDC).