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Mission & Objectives

To equip university management with modern governance tools.

Objectives of MUG Program:

The objectives of Modern University Governance Program are as follows:   

  • Prepare the university management to adopt change.
  • Gain an up-to-date and holistic understanding of modern university governance tools based on international practices.
  • Identify critical issues relevant to effective university academic, management, and administrative practice.
  • Gain the skills and attitudes needed for managing change in university organizational culture.
  • Develop a framework for improvement of university governance.​


The program is designed for public sector HEIs leadership and senior management, as well as all tiers of management supporting the VC, Rector, or Principal's office.

The following are major stakeholders of this program:

  • Vice chancellors/rectors/principals/directors
  • Pro vice chancellors/pro-rectors/vice principals
  • Registrars
  • Controller of examination
  • Treasurers, auditors, accountants
  • Deans/chairpersons/HODS

Learning Objectives:

Upon completing these trainings the participants will:

  • Have in-depth knowledge of strategic planning and policy making
  • Be able to facilitate in decision making processes during their routine work
  • Be aware of leading transformation processes
  • Have comprehensive knowledge about different leadership techniques
  • Be able to meet the challenges of 21st century
  • Lead and implement latest system in their respective HEIs​
