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Patent Support Program
​This program is undergoing policy changes and fresh application window is currently closed till further notice​​

A patent is an exclusive right given to an inventor by a country which helps to exclude others from making, using or selling his or her invention in that country during the life of the patent.

The HEC has developed a programme which allows for submission of ideas which describes the potential invention for evaluation for patentability. In case an invention is determined to be patentable, the inventor will be encouraged to file at Intellectual Property Office Pakistan and will also be supported to file for an international patent.
It is certified that the submission will remain completely confidential and no step will be taken without the consent of the inventors.
By securing a patent in a foreign country serves two purposes. First, it allows institution and the country to benefit economically from efforts of inventors/scientists. Second, mankind benefits from the patent if a useful application or a product results from the invention of researchers/scientists/inventors.
All over the world scientists make significant contributions to economic growth through their inventions and HEC would like Pakistani inventors/scientists to make special efforts to make such contributions.​
Eligibility Criteria
Pakistani scientists/researchers from Public/Private Universities/Institutions and Public R&D organizations of Pakistan, who have already filed their patents in the Intellectual Property Organisation (IPO), may apply for the funding of their patent-able research/invention.