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HEIs Ranking 2014


  • To create culture of competition among the HEIs within the country as well as at Global level.
  • To improve the quality of education/standard of Pakistani Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) towards improved Quality & Research.



For the development and progress any country, Quality of higher education is the key factor. HEIs are considered to be the originators of change in technology and culture of the nations. 

In order to strengthen the quality of higher education in Pakistan, Higher Education Commission (HEC) has taken various initiatives to bring the HEIs of Pakistan at par with international standards. Ranking is one of the measures to scale the success of efforts of the HEIs to achieve the international competitiveness in education, research and innovation. 

Ranking is helpful for students, parents for selection of Institution for their education, it is also helpful for organizations both public and private for better election of graduates according to their needs.

Rankings is a controversial subject all over the world, In spite of the difficulties associated in ranking, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan is the first one in the Islamic world that has done rankings thrice, 1st in 2006, 2nd in 2012 and 3rd in 2013; however the criteria over the period amended to respond to HEIs feedback and to make HEC's ranking more compatible with global rankings. 


Ranking Criteria for 2014 Ranking has been modified in the light of ground realities and feedback received from different HEIs about previous ranking criteria adopted. Mentioned below are the major points considered for Ranking 2014 which is the 4th Ranking of Pakistani HEIs:

  • Ranking 2014 is based on the HEIs data for the year 2012-13.
  • For category/group placement of HEI, enrolment should be => 50% in that specific discipline.
  • In case of shared research papers among number of HEIs, it has been divided by the number of HEIs sharing that particular paper.
  • Overall scores are normalized with the Maximum '100' marks.
  • Distance Learning Institutions and HEIS established after 30th June 2009 are not included in this rankings.
  • The HEIs are ranked as follows:

Overall Ranking

Category wise Ranking i.e.

  1. General
  2. Engineering & Technology
  3. Business Education
  4. Agriculture & Veterinary
  5. Medical

  6. ​ ​​Arts & Design
  • O​nly HEC recognized HEIs are included in the Ranking 2014.
  • Ranking lists along with scores up to only level-I will be available on HEC Web as per global ranking practices.