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What is the eligibility criteria for Rapid Research Innovation Initiative (RRII) call for proposals?
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There are three grants available under RAPID Research and Innovation Initiative (RRII) details are available at
Is there any template to apply for RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) the general HEC eportal does not have a tab for this particular grant?
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The template of RRII (RRG, RTTG, RISF) are available under the uploaded document section of the e-portal, as well as at the below given link
What criteria/basis should we fill in the column of salaries/stipend of PI, Co PI and students involved in the proposal form? What is the amount to be consider according to the time spent per year?
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All desired details of the RRII with all templates and budget guidelines are available on the Higher Education Commission website available at downloads section in:
Can a faculty member working in Pakistani university with foreign citizenship are eligible to apply under this grant?
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All of our grant programs are open to faculty members as PI or Co-PI who are currently employed at Pakistani universities irrespective of their citizenship. In case they are not employed at Pakistani universities, they can still join the project as Co-PI but we will not be funding their participation.
Kindly clarify, can I serve as an academic collaborator for RRII project submitted for ongoing call for proposals?
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Yes PI can work in desired capacity.
Are there any specific thematic areas for RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF)?
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Priority thematic areas of national interest can be seen in call for proposals guidance at
Do we need to upload proposal on prescribed proforma on the online portal?
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Can a faculty, working on an on-going NRPU project as PI or Co-PI, become a PI for RRII (RRG, RTTG, RISF) 2020 project?
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Can a Postdoctoral fellow work as part time with ongoing RRII call for proposals?
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I am a full time contractual faculty member in a university, I am not a permanent faculty member. Can I apply for RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) grant?
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Yes if contract is at least equal to the length of proposed project.
How many co-PIs can be added in one project? In how many projects a person can acts as Co-PI?
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It depends upon the scope of project, a project can have more than one Co-PIs as per project requirements. Furthermore there is no restriction for a person to be Co-PI in one project only.
Can a PI apply for RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) grant, if he/she is already executing any research project i.e. NRPU, TDF, etc.?
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Yes PI can apply for RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) grant.
Do PIs need to submit hard copies for RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) 2020 grants, or only online proposal submission at HEC eportal is acceptable?
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For ongoing call for proposals of RRII, no hardcopies are required, only softcopies are accepted which can be submitted on
Can PI and Co-PI be from different universities?
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Yes they can be from different universities.
If Co-PI is from different University, do we need to add his/her details against the "Academic Collaborators" too?
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Yes all desired details are required and must be incorporated with endorsement (At the time of award).
In previous calls Research grants funding limit was linked to the cumulative impact factor of the PI. Is this policy still valid? (Because I do not see any such limit in the new policy documents.)
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No, previous policy is not applicable for ongoing call for proposals, any position in paper is acceptable.
Personnel Cost" for "Principal Investigator/Faculty Member" in the "Guidelines for Budget", (attached) "Personnel cost of Principal Investigator (PI) & Co-PI is linked with the proportionate time spent on the given project i.e. Gross pay of PI x % time spent. How personnel cost for each year should actually be calculated?
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Personnel cost should be calculated as % of time multiplied with gross monthly pay of the PI/faculty member, multiple by the duration of the project.
Faculty members having Major Clinical degrees such as FCPS or FRCS are eligible to apply or not?
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PhD or FCPS/MCPS/FRCS are eligible to apply ongoing call for proposals.
I want to ask that is Bachelors' studentship is possible?
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Bachelors studentship @ Rs=5000/- PM is acceptable in RRG and RTTG.
Is it allowed to engage Co-PI from any other educational institution in Pakistan?
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yes, it is allowed.
A faculty does not have prior experience of NRPU/TDF etc. Can he apply for RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) grant as a principal investigator?
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Yes if he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria, he/she can apply for RRII grants.
What type of work does RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) support?
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RRII (RRG, RTTG, and RISF) will work to sort out solutions related to national challenges and priority thematic areas for coronavirus (COVID-19) mentioned at
Can I submit multiple proposals for the same grant opportunity?
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One for each category, keeping in view the university head VC/Rector will decide the two shortlisted best proposals for further submission.
Is there a limit to the amount of funding I can request?
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The funding limit RRII (RRG, RTTG, RISF) varies for each grant and details can be found at below links;
Do I need to submit letters of support?
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Yes, letters of support are required at a later stage (Prior to project award)
Is it possible to edit the application after submission, if the deadline is not passed?
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No, Applications once submitted cannot be edited/resubmitted.
Can two people from different universities be PIs for the same project?
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No, there will be one PI for the project.
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