The applicants will submit their research proposals online through email at on or before 15-01-2018 on PBAIRP Application Form. In addition, the Principal Investigator (PI) has to submit four complete set of original hard copy of PBAIRP Application Form duly singed from all relevant authorities of the university along with soft copy via Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC)/Research Office/Office of the Registrar of respective university to Director (R&D) on or before 15-01-2018. Late and incomplete submission will not be entertained.
PBAIRP Application Form must accompanied by all mandatory documents listed below:
- Duly singed detailed CVs of PI
- Duly singed detailed CVs of all Co-PI.
- Duly attested copy of appointment letter of PI.
- Letter of Support for Industry Problem.
- A Letter of Consent from Collaborating Partner/Agency Expressing Willingness to Collaborate to be uploaded? (Section-7)
- Turnitin Report of the Proposal.
- Clearance Certificate from Institutional Bioethics Committee (IBC) Of the University/Dai Concerned if required.
- One Page Summary of Each Project of PI Already Completed/ Ongoing/ Submitted to any Funding Agency/HEC. (Section-9).
- Original invoices / quotations for permanent equipment costing over rs.0.1 million or more to be uploaded? (Section-10B).
- Tentative and detailed schedule of local visits (annual plan) with justification and rates be provided (if study involves field survey/field work). Please note that TA/DA is not allowed, however, estimated expenditure as per original may be demanded? (Section-10D).
- Project activities on Gantt chart.
- Year-Wise Cost and Quantities of Each Expendable Item Demanded With Full Justification (Section-10C)?
- Page (Section H. of cover sheet for proposal "H. Declaration/Certificate") after Getting Signed from relevant university authorities with date & stamps on the declaration certificates.
- Page "head of institution duly endorsed the application (section-14) of the application form?
- Any other document that you need to be mandatory. Optional